Friday, August 7, 2009

Much Better Day at Work

Well, today was MUCH better! My dog Piper woke me up a half hour before my alarm, so I was up and at 'em early. I was able to last much longer at work, and my headache came and went rather than staying all day. It was a huge relief to get home, though, into the peace and quiet of my backyard... until the Festival started!!! Music all night long.
Might as well take advantage, though, since I won't be here long. My sister and I walked over to check it out. There were people everywhere - it must be a record turnout. Piper didn't know what the heck was going on - all these people, sounds, smells in her park???
Funniest part of the evening though: On our way to the park, there was a man walking down my street, and as we were crossing at the intersection, Piper totally started freaking out - I swear she thought it was my dad. So we stopped, let her smell him, he patted her, they made friends. Then we pretended to be "training" her so that he would move on (Amanda doesn't like to make friends so quickly). So we went all the way to the park, walked around it and then started our way back. Next thing we knew, the man was there again, walking back to his car. He was nice enough but it was a little creepy, so although we chatted again, and pointed him back to his car, we pretended that that was not my street and continued on our way. Ok I'm getting to the funny part. So we walked down another block or so, then doubled back thinking that he would be gone, but sure enough, we saw a car up the street turn its lights on - we were so busted. So what are two girls and a dog to do? RUN!!!! We raced as fast as we could up the street and into my house (totally inconspicuous), trying to hide the dog, slamming my door shut behind us and turning off all the lights. Surely he never noticed.
Hopefully he doesn't realize we gave him the shaft. I do feel bad for him - coming all the way down to the festival, parking a mile away and then walking in and out and going home... poor guy. He had no idea what he was getting into.
Looking forward to a good sleep tonight. Have had a bit of insomnia between the hours of 2 and 5ish am for the past several nights. Fingers crossed I can get through that tonight and maybe even sleep in - and wake up to hearing out of both ears!!!

1 comment:

  1. I actually can picture you and Amanda running too! You guys are a riot!
